This Socialist Studies Group – such as Germany Phone Number List the name of the group led by a young ethnologist, Robert Hertz – sought answers to the great questions posed by socialism in the secret cabinet of the social sciences. The Germany Phone Number List Revue Socialiste thus became the center for the elaboration of a modernized reformist and gradualist socialism. Cultural options Within these magazines (indeed, especially the Revue Socialiste and the plethora of political-literary magazines of the 1910s known as "vitalists") there Germany Phone Number List are usually critical sections dedicated to the "literary and artistic movement", and also more episodically, in the columns of socialist newspapers.
In particular in L'Humanité, especially Germany Phone Number List after its passage to six pages in 1913, it expresses what in no other case could be recognized as a monolithic "cultural line". Choices are made, often coherent, sometimes Germany Phone Number List surprising, that are loosely combined in an indecisive aesthetic theory, social art, in which morality and philosophy overlap. It is enough to return, once again, to the diary that Armand Girard keeps appreciating the important place that culture occupies, in the strict Germany Phone Number List sense, in the work of emancipation in which the activists are engaged.
It is necessary that we, the socialists, who Germany Phone Number List believe we have a human ideal higher than others, let us know how to enjoy and make enjoy everything that is good and beautiful, the arts, sports, literature, Germany Phone Number List everything that contributes to the happiness of men. When we have a well-furnished room when we have a library made up of the works of our best socialist authors. When some musician has created a symphony, some poets have contributed a bit of literature and others try Germany Phone Number List their pencils, their brushes, or their chisels.